
Ngày đăng ký: 01-23-2024
Ngày sinh: January 1
Giờ địa phương: 01-03-2025 @ 10:41 PM
Trạng thái: (Ẩn)

Thông tin của v9hrnsb237
Gia nhập: 01-23-2024
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Thông tin liên lạc của v9hrnsb237
Trang chủ: https://www.geniatech.com/products/eink-tablet/
Thông tin cá nhân của v9hrnsb237
Bio: Geniatech offers a range of paper tablets with innovative features, such as note-taking, annotating, handwriting-to-text conversation, and sharing. Find out more about the E-ink Tablet at https://www.geniatech.com/products/eink-tablet/ to get a quote today! The paper tablets have unmatched responsiveness, because of the in-house hardware and software development at Geniatech. They have extended battery life, eye protection screen, paper-like reading/writing experience, multifunctionality, OCR/ASR handwriting conversion, multicloud synchronization, read, write, annotate, note-taking, electronic signature, and so much more. Taking notes on an iPad or other LCD-based tablet can be distracting. There are apps with social media, games and other features that can pull your attention away from the task at hand. Plus, the tablets can be expensive and require an electronic pencil or stylus, a protective case and sometimes a screen protector. E Ink tablets aim to eliminate the need for all of that by using technology that looks, feels and behaves like paper. They offer a range of innovative features, such as note-taking, annotating, handwriting-to-text conversation, and sharing. They have unmatched responsiveness, because of the in-house hardware and software development at Geniatech. They have extended battery life, eye protection screen, paper-like reading/writing experience, multifunctionality, OCR/ASR handwriting conversion, multicloud synchronization, read, write, annotate, note-taking, electronic signature, and so much more. Visit the Geniatech to find out more and to get a quote today! https://www.geniatech.com/products/eink-tablet/
Gender: Male

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