
Ngày đăng ký: 02-02-2024
Ngày sinh: January 1
Giờ địa phương: 01-03-2025 @ 10:30 PM
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Thông tin của j7pxkeu561
Gia nhập: 02-02-2024
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Thông tin liên lạc của j7pxkeu561
Trang chủ: https://le-blancs.com/blog/aroma-1290.html
Thông tin cá nhân của j7pxkeu561
Bio: Healing Salon LeBlanc is a healing school and salon of ThetaHealing and Spiritual Aroma, located within a 4-minute walk from the Meguro Station in Tokyo. It is hosted by Nobuko Hasegawa of “ThetaHealing Master Science”, who has taught more than 6,300 people for over 13 years. Visit the Healing Salon LeBlanc website at https://le-blancs.com/blog/aroma-1290.html to find out more today! Are you having challenges with health, relationships, work or a sense of purpose? These are often indications of what your 'inner voice' is trying to tell you. Theta Healing is an energy healing approach that can help you to overcome the life blocks so that you can progress and redesign your life on your terms. It is a form of applied quantum physics and involves the practitioner accessing the Theta brain wave (often referred to as the 'belief and feeling' state). In this state the practitioner can identify the limiting beliefs that are causing the issue. Unlike hypnosis where you are prompted to relive the event, with Theta Healing, you simply identify the belief that is creating the problem, pull it out and insert a new one that better serves you. This process can have powerful results, and has been used to heal all manner of issues from cancer to joint pain. ThetaHealing and Spiritual Aroma can be very beneficial for all kinds of ailments. Visit the Healing Salon LeBlanc website to find out more today! https://le-blancs.com/blog/aroma-1290.html
Gender: Male

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