
Ngày đăng ký: 03-08-2024
Ngày sinh: January 1
Giờ địa phương: 01-03-2025 @ 10:55 PM
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Thông tin của f4nfkig610
Gia nhập: 03-08-2024
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Thông tin liên lạc của f4nfkig610
Trang chủ: https://le-blancs.com/menu/thetahealing/dna1
Thông tin cá nhân của f4nfkig610
Bio: LeBlanc Spiritual Aroma & Healing Salon is a healing school and salon of ThetaHealing and Spiritual Aroma, located within a 4-minute walk from the Meguro Station in Tokyo. It is hosted by Nobuko Hasegawa of “ThetaHealing Master Science”, who has taught more than 6,300 people for over 13 years. Visit the Healing Salon LeBlanc website at https://le-blancs.com/menu/thetahealing/dna1 find out more today! They offer individual sessions and courses on ThetaHealing and Spiritual Aroma, which are subconscious rewriting methods. Visit the LeBlanc Spiritual Aroma & Healing Salon website to see the schedule of subconscious mind rewriting course (basic DNA) schedule and to apply today. You’ll be happy that you did! If you have been battling with any emotional and physical challenges, ThetaHealing may be for you. This healing practice works to reduce insecurities and anxieties, as well as boosting creativity, improving mental clarity, decreasing pain and increasing euphoria. Theta Healing is a meditation technique based on spiritual philosophy founded by Vianna Stibal who developed this technique after her personal journey to heal herself of cancer. It works on the premise that negative emotions and beliefs can be held in our energy field that cause dis-ease, illness or even a physical condition. The Theta Healer helps the client to clear these limiting thoughts and emotions and shift them into positive ones, with the help of ‘The Creator’ or God (depending on your belief). Visit the Healing Salon LeBlanc website to find out more today! https://le-blancs.com/menu/thetahealing/dna1
Gender: Male

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